3 Important Steps For Helping Your Furnace Make It Through The Winter


It often seems like winter lasts a long time when the temperatures are cold and the days dreary. At least you can stay cozy and snug in your home when your furnace is working properly. Your furnace works hard when it's cold out, so it's important to take good care of it all winter long. Here are some important things you can do to prevent furnace failure in the winter.

27 November 2020

Three Important Considerations For Your New Home Furnace


Before you decide to finalize the purchase of a new heater, there are several different factors to nail down. Choosing the right installation time, choosing the best options and customizations, and finding the best warranties and incentives will make for a convenient process that can save you money. Time of Installation Time is a big factor in having a new furnace installed in two different ways. First, consider what time of year you want your furnace installed.

27 October 2020

Why Is My Heater Not Turning On?


As we're moving into the cold winter months, many homeowners are turning on their furnaces for the first time. Once they do, they may be surprised to realize that the heater isn't turning on and will call an HVAC company to schedule a heater repair service. There can be several reasons why your furnace isn't functioning properly, many of which are outlined below. Tripped Breaker The circuit breaker that's located inside your house is there for safety purposes.

26 October 2020

Residential AC Mistakes That Can Cost You Money


Your residential AC is obviously an important part of your house. A house with a non-working air conditioner is not going to be comfortable at all, especially if you live in a climate that's hot all year round. It's important that you make the right decisions when it comes to your air conditioner, and that goes from the initial installation to your daily use and maintenance plan. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you want to avoid residential AC mistakes that could end up costing you money.

23 September 2020

Be Mindful Of These Strange Signs Of Emergency AC System Repairs


Most property owners view any sign of possible HVAC issues as alarming. It is ideal to respond quickly if issues are suspected. However, it is also a good idea to know which issues you should treat as emergencies and which issues can be treated as standard repairs.  There are several reasons that you should know what to deem an emergency HVAC situation. First and foremost, properly assessing potentially serious situations can ensure your safety and comfort.

19 August 2020

The Top Questions To Ask Before Choosing A New System Or Scheduling An AC Installation


Do you need an AC installation service? You know you need a new air conditioner. But you're not sure which one to choose. Take a look at the questions to ask before you select a central AC system for your home. What Is Your Budget? The cost of a new air conditioner depends on several factors. According to Home Advisor, a new AC system can range between $1,500 and $4,000. The actual price you'll pay depends on:

14 August 2020

3 Reasons Why It Is Essential To Maintain Your Furnace


During the freezing winter months, having a furnace that is in good working order is essential if you want to stay warm and comfortable while in your home. During the fall months, one of the best things that you can do is hire an HVAC contractor to inspect your furnace and do a full tune-up. In addition, don't forget to stay on top of regular furnace maintenance, such as: changing the air filters, cleaning the vents, and checking the pilot light.

30 July 2020

Three Repairs To Prepare For With Older Air Conditioners


Older air conditioners will eventually start requiring more maintenance and repairs than newer models, but if you aren't ready to replace your air conditioner just yet, it helps to know what to expect. Wear and tear means replacing more components, keeping your ducts in good shape, and safely managing electrical problems. Staying on top of these repairs will keep your air conditioner running efficiently through summer and beyond. Component Replacements

22 July 2020

Common Evaporative Cooler Issues And Ways To Deal With Them


Evaporative coolers are a type of AC unit that uses evaporation to cool temperatures. If you have one of these devices in your home, it may experience these issues from time to time. You can respond accordingly, though, thanks to this repair advice. Lack of Airflow One of the more common problems with evaporative coolers is a lack of airflow. You'll notice this problem right away, and the culprit could be a number of issues.

18 June 2020

Tips for Getting a New Furnace Installed


If your furnace is getting old, it's time to consider having it replaced instead of putting more and more money into repairs. Replacing a furnace is a big job, but once it's done, your furnace should last for many years if you maintain it properly. Here are some things to do to get ready for your new furnace. Pick the Location If your furnace is in the basement and you're contemplating finishing the basement, you might want to move the furnace.

13 May 2020